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VTCT Welcomes IFA U-turn on ‘off the job’ regulated qualifications

VTCT welcomes the latest announcement from the Institute for Apprenticeships (IFA) on their decision allowing regulated qualifications to be included within ‘off the job’ delivery as part of the updated apprenticeship standards.

The decision is a step in the right direction in smoothing the process for apprentices who until now, have been restricted by rules preventing them from furthering their careers simply because they lack certain qualifications, such as technical certificates, to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise.

Commenting on the IFA’s decision, Alan Woods OBE, CEO of VTCT;

“This move marks a change in approach, to supporting apprentices across the country take control of their learning and their careers, and is something that we at VTCT have been delivering as part of our qualifications for several years. Employers, training providers, parents and of course learners themselves, understand the value of regulated qualifications within the world of work and this change in policy will assist both.

‘This policy will help educators and employers in clarifying the breadth of knowledge and skillset required, and it will also provide learners with the evidence of standardised achievement if they choose to move on in their career to a new employer.”

VTCT already has regulated qualifications to support this change in policy. For example, the VTCT Hair Professional Apprenticeship Standard (hairdressing and barbering) already has a regulated qualification mapped to the ‘off the job’ requirement. This qualification can be built on using a regulated unit from an existing qualification such as Cuts Men’s Hairstyles, to stretch breadth of knowledge and assist with the ‘off the job’ requirements.

VTCT plans to apply for EPAO approval for a number of apprenticeship standards across sectors including Beauty Professional, Retailer, Business Administrator and Hospitality and Catering. VTCT has over 170 regulated qualifications that could be delivered as part of the ‘off the job’ training for these standards.


Read the following article from FE Week here.

Find out more about the VTCT Professional Apprenticeship Standard here.