Weekly Webinar

Update for Centres delivering VRQ, NVQ or SVQ 2021-22

The webinar for the above-mentioned qualifications was held on 11th October 2021.

You can access a recording of this webinar in the secure area of our website here (Centre login required)

View the webinar button




Frequently Asked Questions

Below we will add any frequently asked questions that we receive relating to this webinar.


Are we still required to complete the client and learner covid forms for practicals?

It is for centres to decide this aspect aligned to your risk assessment.

Do learners need to answer every question in the learning outcomes in the assessment books?

Please refer to the record of assessment book for full details regarding oral questions and the necessary requirements.

Are we still able to do assignments for units with an online test?

Assignments can be used instead of taking the online test. However, where possible continue as normal.

Has the adaptation guidance from last year been updated?

All up to date documentation can be found on the qualification specific areas on the covid page of the VTCT website.

If using oral questions, how should responses be recorded?

A range of methods can be used to support the development of knowledge outcomes. Please refer to the record of assessment books for the qualifications you’re delivering.