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VTCT Excellence Awards 2023

Nominations for our 2024 awards are now open
follow the link below to get involved

At the heart of everything we do at VTCT are people and their aspirations – we want to inspire our students and partners to unlock their potential and flourish in rewarding careers.

Our 60th anniversary celebrations culminated in a prestigious event on 13 July 2023 at Milton Keynes College, where we announced our Excellence Awards winners, as well as celebrated the recipients of our Grants and Bursaries.

Thank you to all the nominees and everyone who was involved in our 2023 Excellence Awards. A full list of winners can be found here.

Award categories

Find out more about each category

Recognises an exceptional apprentice for their work, within their apprenticeship in the workplace or related to their studies. This may include high performance, innovative approaches to their work, going the extra mile, or using what they’ve learned during their apprenticeship to create an opportunity for themselves to strengthen their achievements.
Recognises an exceptional student for their work, either within their programme of study or in relation to a particular project related to their studies. This may include high performance or achievement rates, innovative ways of presenting work, going the extra mile, conducting voluntary work alongside their studies, or using what they’ve learned during their qualification to create an opportunity for themselves to strengthen their record of achievement.
Recognises tutors / educators who have gone over and above to support their students or apprentices. This could be anything from supporting a student or apprentice facing difficult circumstances to ensure they can continue with their studies and achieve, helping their students or apprentices to overcome obstacles to flourish and surpass expectations, or delivering innovative and high quality teaching that resonates.
Recognises a school / FE college / 6th form college that has gone over and above to help their students or apprentices. This could include initiatives to support students or apprentices, introducing programmes or processes to support student or apprentice outcomes, or increasing additional support to ensure success.
Recognises training providers - small (with 50 or fewer students) AND large (with more than 50 students) - who have gone over and above to help their students or apprentices. This could include initiatives to support students or apprentices, introducing programmes or processes to support student or apprentice outcomes, or increasing additional support to ensure success.
Recognises individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the sector. This could be anything from supporting a student or apprentice facing difficult circumstances to ensure they can continue with their studies and achieve, helping their colleagues to overcome obstacles to flourish and surpass expectations, or delivering innovative and high-quality teaching that resonates.

Meet the judges

We’re delighted to welcome some of the top experts and practitioners in our industry and we thank them for their time and support.
(Pictured from left to right above – row 1 and row 2)

The Rt Hon Anne Milton – Chair (former Minister of State for Skills and Apprenticeships)
Shelagh Legrave
 CBE DL (Further Education Commissioner, Department for Education)
Rob Nitsch CBE (Delivery Director, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education)
Corrienne Peasgood OBE (Incoming president, Association of Colleges)
Jane Hickie (Chief Executive, Association of Employment and Learning Providers)
Sandy Silvester (Customer Services Director, Busy Bees)
Lesley Shepperson (Education and Business Consultant and Trustee, VTCT)
Kate Mooney (Training Provider Management and Quality Assurance Manager, BT)
Jayne Lewis-Orr (Executive Director of the Professional Beauty Group and Trustee, VTCT)