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Webinars to help you get the best out of Pivot Point LAB

On this page, you will find a number of webinars that we held in autumn 2020 to enable centres to get up and running with Pivot Point LAB

We suggest that you begin with the orientation video here and then watch the two videos below to learn how to work with the various basic features and set up your learners and classes.


Pivot Point LAB Orientation

A great place to start if you’re new to Pivot Point LAB or you need a refresher on the basics.

Using Learning Paths


Pivot Point LAB has pre-built pathways for each topic that educators can use to create personalised paths for their learners.

Find out what educator resources are, and how they can be used within LAB.

Watch the video below to see the full presentation.

Adding Classes and Course Management

Using school management to get your learners into LAB in their correct classes or groups, so that they can see the right learning paths for their course.

Use pre-built learning pathways for the qualifications and the My Courses section.

Watch the video below to see the full presentation.

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