Accessing Qualification Documents

The video below shows you the process for Accessing Qualification Documents for a specific qualification, in order to use the various documents to assist you with your online learning.


Accessing Qualification Documents how to video


This step by step guide also leads you through the process to access these documents:


1. From the Home Page, select Qualifications from the Main Menu. If you’re using a mobile device, you will need to click the “burger” menu in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

2. When the drop-down menu appears, select ‘What can I study?

3. On the Qualification Finder page, select the sector that your qualification is in, for example, Beauty, Nails & Spa Therapy

Accessing Qualification Documents - the search box

4. Depending on the device you are using, you may need to scroll up to find the search box.

5. In the search box, you can either:

          • Add the qualification code or name in the Keywords box, as we did in the video,
          • Select to see all qualifications of a certain type e.g. VRQ,
          • Select a certain level, e.g. Level 2,
          • Choose a qualification size – an Award, Certificate or Diploma.

6. Enter your criteria and then hit “Search

7. When you find the search result you want, click on it, and the qualification information data will appear.

8. From the buttons above the qualification name, select Documents. This will not necessarily be available for all qualifications, so you may not see it there.

9. You can now access the qualification documents and browse all the available documentation relating to this qualification. For Home learning purposes, you will find Sample Assessment Materials, Examinations Resource/Command Verbs to be the most useful.

10. On certain qualifications, for example, our Infection Prevention Qualifications, you may see a link underneath the qualification title which reads “Learning materials for this qualification can be found here” – this will enable you to access additional material for this particular qualification.